These moments in life that run so deep, and seem so hard sometimes impossible forging the furnace of the soul. That very deep compression and exhale sometimes seeming to constrict life itself into the state of winter fallen leaves and barren branches fertilizing the soil. Leading to the deep breath and expansion of self a growing to the beginnings that you are no longer the same as you were the expansion of self. Planted deeps the seeds of learning, knowing that when approached, embraced grown and cultivated will expose false beliefs of what used to be to be seen viewed appreciated. Sproutings of truth that when approached, embraced grown and cultivated to expand and grow sharing roots of relatedness to the base and branches of individuality to provided the foundation and network of this relatedness in humanity, they fill the empty branches with leaves of compassion, love and empathy that someday can provide and be shared as shelter and comfort for another and the ability to relate to their life’s struggles and circumstances..
This is the gift of your loss, your affliction, your suffering your life. Relatedness to all humanity, though deep in the mud of suffering it may be all too hard to see at the moment.
Jorgen Olsen