"Bipolar is the Nature of All Things"

– Mu Ki

My Offerings

“To ease and heal the human condition of suffering, you must understand suffering,

to understand suffering you must suffer.

Only then can you heal and ease suffering,

you ease suffering through your own healing,

you heal yourself through the healing of others. This is great compassion.”


My Insights and Aha's

Essence of

The incense is out the light and stem are gone yet the silhouette of smoke still rising making unique shapes that embrace and fill the emptiness around it, as the smoke lifts and fades, still, there is the faint aromas that pique the senses to remind me of the space that

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How far can presence go? Presence can only go so far. I am present in this moment or am i being present, a gray area in which sometimes I really take a tumble. There are hours reduced to minutes reduced to seconds reduced to milliseconds, to microseconds, nanoseconds and so

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“Darkness is love in adversity, lessons to raise consciousness and awareness in all beings. Do we repeat them is the question that perpetuates darkness and our own shadows selves? In this scope, all roads of the human condition lead to the same destination of truth and the truth is love

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" This work is found in the practice. I must always practice."

A Little About Me

  • Certified Japanese psychology Naikan Morita therapy facilitator / educator / instructor / coach through Todo Institute. Utilizing Buddhist-based Morita and Naikan Therapies.
  • Flute maker creating handmade customized “medicine sticks”, or flutes if you prefer to call them
  • Coach / facilitator / educator in vibration and sound healing techniques through meditation modalities.
  • Shamanic wisdom teachings through Ayahuasca transmissions, spiritual guidance, spiritual healings.
  • Sound healing facilitator though journey work with flutes, drums, and traditions and tools of the old ways.